I am always eager to meet new students and assist them in reaching their goals.  I offer both in person and on-line Voice lessons.  I encourage those in the Chicago Area to schedule an appointment in my studio.

Even if you don’t live in the Chicago Area you can still study at Your True Voice Studio.  Technology has allowed Students to take advantage of Voice Teachers and Vocal Coaches expertise from around the world via Skype and Face Time or other video conferencing services.  Regardless if you are located in another part of the world, you can benefit from my truly unique and inspiring Vocal Training to help push your career forward.

Finally, if you are having difficulties in achieving your goals, I can assist you in evaluating where your strengths are and where you may need to improve through a Voice Analysis Consultation.  This analysis is done during off hours so I can dedicate the time in evaluating your technique, my methods have proven results.

In person Voice Lessons

Online Voice Lessons

Voice Analysis Consultations

Randy’s vocal training methods can be applied and practiced whether it is Face-to-Face or from afar.  Check out the map below to see where Randy has taught people from around the world.